
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Human Skeleton

Human Skeleton

In Nepalese language  human skeleton is called ''kankal''.  The such item is not supposed to be kept at the residence of Nepalese people. However, when it is turned into a souvenir piece, it could be kept at the drawing room also as a rare show piece. But  it can  be seen at  the non Nepalese residence. Of course, it sounds funny to hear that even the human skeleton can be made as a souvenir pieces.

Magicians and Tantrics carry all the time with them human skulls  and bones for purposes of performing magic or tantrict works. As per  the custom of the Nepalese community  the dead body is  cremated. According to the Nepalese Hindu or Buddhist custom the dead body  is completely destroy and burnt into ashes. After that the remaining ashes are thrown into the river which gives the departed soul heavenly  peace. While  other communities like those of Christians, Muslims etc. bury  their dead body.

Specially in the Nepalese  society   and according to the Nepalese  tradition  any part of the body after  dead can be  bad woman to the human beings. It is also believed that such things can  destroyed  every thing  at home  and even people will die.

A decorated human skeleton is expensive costing about five to eight thousand Nepalese Rupees  per piece at the market price. When it was  freely available in the market place during  1995.  But  decorated skeletons of monkey and other animals cost around   two to three thousand Nepalese rupees and they are  openly available in the tourist souvenir handicrafts shops even these days.

Actually these  souvenir  pieces  are  not  shown interested by the   Asian tourists. But foreign tourists are much more interested in the decorated human and animals skeletons  These  days  if some one  interested for the decorated human skeleton  souvenir piece and willing pay  one million  rupees  it is not possible to  available in the  touristic souvenir  shops. So no body wants  bare risk for selling those  restricted items, a sop woner said.

However, the Nepalese government has prohibited   selling on  human  decorated human skeleton  and  exporting them (human skeleton)  out of the country. But artistically decorated human skeletons was not restricted  for business  transaction and any one can have them  as souvenir pieces.

In early  1995 the decorated human skeletons freely available at handicrafts shops and tourists souvenir  at roadside shops. These are sold as  rare souvenir pieces. But in these days we can not find decorated human skeleton in the market place . However, these can be had through secret deals.

During those days  there was  no restriction  on  human skeleton business  later it became very strict by the law. The police at Thankot check post started seriously watching sucn (human Shelton  smuggling) and began arrested some people those who are  involve in smuggling  of human skulls. The smugglers people are  mostly  from the country's  Terai  belt. The news  about  such arrests appeared in the media.

Normally the human skulls  vendors sources for human skull are the pyres sites. They  (human skulls smugglers) collect human skulls from the pyres site and forest areas. It was not a easy job to smuggle human skeleton  and pass through the check post. Normally they (smugglers)  hid those things (human skeletons   inside  vegetables sacks and they bring them to Kathmandu  market and supply  to souvenir makers  for  good price. It was a easy   way to earn money.

When human skeletons  smugglers  were arrested  they were awarded for 10-years in imprisonment  Because of police strictness such cases are not found  in the capital since  couple of years, a police sources said.   

A decorated  human skull is such a beautiful work of art. The art  work  becomes attractive to  its customer. But in Nepal people never keep such thing even a decorated human skulls as show pieces at home. However decorated animal skulls are kept in drawing rooms as a souvenir show pieces. 

By Devendra Man Singh